A most ambitious look at the global security ramifications of the simplest error in judgement. How a single person, with little or no security awareness, triggers an escalating cascade of cyber-devastation on every continent. This is a perfect foray into how things can go terribly wwrrroonnggg… And all it took to get started was – One Thoughtless <Click>.
I actually have a better idea of how a multi-vector compromise happens
After reading the book, I actually have a better idea of how a multi-vector compromise happens, and how the little signs that should have been caught were missed. In the end, I think that is the message you are trying to deliver. You hit the nail pretty squarely.
A Michael Crichton-like whirlwind story
The issue isn’t can a functional and economically attractive Cloud solution be built (typically they can!), it’s can it be done in a manner where all parties that use it have confidence in the security of the information and the resources to provide availability and integrity for all information. That’s the Big Deal, and that’s what Bulleye Breach so cleverly …